Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Case 3

You know the drill:

Case 1-3
Defendant: Mr. Will Powers
Charge: Murder
Victim: Mr. Jack Hammer
Defense: Mr. Phoenix Wright, Maya fey(Aid)
Prosecution: Mr. Miles Edgeworth
Witnesses: Ms. Wendy Oldbag, Mr. Sal Manella, Mr. Cody Hackins, Ms. Dee Vasquez

Yeah I know I'm a day late but with my school work and all, I can't really do a big case in one day. So I'm just going to go by a personnal schedule.

Anyway! This one is big, and by big I mean that it will take three days!(In-Game time of course) This time the crime scene is Global Studio, known for airing the popular kids show "The Steel Samurai". The victim, Jack Hammer, died after being stabbed in the chest once with the Samurai Spear used in the show.

I don't feel like making a whole recap so I'll just go with the most memorable moments.... Wel THE most important point for the storyline lies in the fact that Edgeworth ends up helping Phoenix corner Dee Vasquez(The producer) and made her admit she really did killed Jack Hammer, in self-defense though. Yup, the prosecution helping the defense, but already know how insane the whole thing is if you read my previous review so it shouldn't be THAT surprising. But aside from that, this case is the weakest of the game in term of entertainement, but were talking about an AWESOME game so it's not really agaisnt it, it is still a nice case with some interesting and funny moments!

Next review will be up Thursday max! Since I did case 1-5 recently, It gives me 2 more days for 1-4. See ya all next review!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Case 2

So now, first, let's put up the usual important infos:

Case 1-2
Defendant: Ms.Maya Fey, Mr.Phoenix Wright
Charge: Murder
Victim: Ms. Mia Fey
Prosecutor: Mr. Miles Edgeworth
Defense: Mr. Phoenix Wright
Witnesses: Detective Gumshoe, Ms. April May, Mr. Redd White

Yup, just starting the second case and what you see? Mia getting murdered by a suspicious guy with purple hair. You can already tell this one is going to be more personal for Phoenix since his mentor just got murdered. You will also meet 3 new important characters, Maya Fey, who is Mia's hyperactive younger sister, Detective Dick Gumshoe, who is the clueless but loveable officer and Miles Edgeworth, the genious prosecutor.

As the case goes, you can somehow see a couple of thing that doesn't make any sense. The first one being, WHY in the name of the Judge would Maya murder her sister? No one in the case seem to bother with the MOTIVE behind the murder! And why didn't they take the fingerprints on the clock/statue? Maya had no gloves when they arrested her! She couldn't have done it! It doesn't make sense at all!!! Motive alone makes Maya the less suspicious of all... but it wouldn't be fun if it made sense, would it? Anyway, this is also where you'll see that the first case was way easier than this, especially since Edgeworth is the prosecutor. He will actually give you a challenge for once compared to Payne. You will also encounter the main witness, April May... Yeah she has the looks(By looks I mean boobs, of course), but it is really only what she have, since you will soon find a wiretap in her hotel room... now THAT is suspicious, and you will also expose her for what she is in court: A manipulative BITCH(.... not the worse though) Anyway, with her exposure also come another vital clue, there was a man staying with her! Which makes him a suspect!

The next day will mostly consist of finding out who exactly IS this man. It will turn out to be Redd White, someone who you'll instantly like to punch the hell out of him!(If you remember the intro sequence, you know you have the murderer in front of you). In the end, he'll even end up accusing Phoenix of being the murderer! What sense does that make!?!? None of course, that's why this game is so entertaining!

There's also one thing that pisses me off about the last evidences to present.... I mean, how stupid are the Judge,Defense,Prosecution to not even take a second look at the back of the ?%&?%& receip! It was so obvious that this piece of evidence was suspicious but of course, Phoenix needed Maya to channel Mia who in turn told him..... I really felt like I got robbed out of my victory so pathetically!..... ANYWAY!

So now, we end up knowing that Maya can channel Mia when needed and that the Fey Law and Co. Offices is now Wright Law and Co. Offices. Anyway, enough with my rants!

Tune in tomorrow for Case 3!!!(May be delayed if I don't find the time.)

Saturday, February 02, 2008

AJ:AA Countdown: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Case 1-1

Okay, yeah I didn't post since 2006 but anyway, this time I'll use the blog for the Court Records Apollo Justice Countdown, I go by the name of Samus Wright in the forums, just so you know. I just finished Case 1 of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney so I'll post up comments for it, It will be a once per day/case update, so here it goes!

Case 1-1
Defendant: Mr.Larry Butz
Charge: Murder
Victim: Ms. Cindy Stone
Witness: Mr. Frank Sahwit
Defense: Mr. Phoenix Wright, Mia Fey(Defense Aid)
Prosecution: Mr. Winston Payne

So here we go again, It didn't take a lot of time to finish it but I still remember the first time I played it. In this case, your friend Larry Butz is charged for murder of his (ex) girlfriend. Of course , you as the player knows perfectly it's not him, as the game show you the real murderer at the start of the case... But the fun starts when you actually cross-examine him(Frank Sahwit). It's so entertaining to see the look on his face when you rub his lies all over is smug face by shouting "Objection!" at the top of your lung in your DS! Especially when he ends up throwing his toppee in Phoenix's face who seems REALLY annoyed. And then, while the cornered music pumps you up, you corner him and prove to everyone how pitiful and stupid he really his... and he ends up foaming at the mouth and falls uncounscious. At this point in time, you really feel like celebrating! This is the case that, after all, got me hooked on the game AND the serie so it deserve a honorable mention even if it's pretty short compared to what's coming the next case!

This case also helps you to know how the serie works in term of finding contradictions in testimonies. In this case, every contradictions are pretty much "Hey look! Over there! I'm there under the flashing arrows!" Except for the last one, where you have to prove why the clock, the murder weapon which can tell you the hour (it actually says it), is 3 hour slow on the day of the murder. At first glance , you can't really prove that, it's impossible... HOWEVER, this is where your boss, Mia Fey, will say it to you: "Think outside of the box! Don't doubt the fact ! Just assume the clock was 3 hours slow and think through it!" Which mean, you know already that your client is innocent! So don't think "How can I prove it was 3 hours slow?" The real question is "WHY was it 3 hours slow?" And then you can easily find the answer to your previous question! This is how you'll be able to progress through the cases, with this simple sentence
"Think outside of the box!"
Which makes the cases all the more goofy and fun as hell!!!

Stay tuned as tomorrow I review the second case, which is the REAL start of all the mess that will go on after!