Wednesday, July 12, 2006

No, I'm not dead! Stop freaking!

I know I know... You surely must be asking somethign like, "Where the hell have you been!?" and "It's been ages since you last uploaded!", sorry for the long waiting^^. So... where to start?... Well, first, I finally found myself a job at the grocery store not so far from the house, I work as a Grocery Clerk which means, puting the things on the shelves, facing them etc. Which means no more Wily or Signas on my back too^^, so relieving! Anyway, all's still going wonderfully with Yugel(I still love her with all my soul) even if she misses me because, since we both got a job, we have to deal with our schedule first... It will be our 11th month next week...Which mean our first year is coming soon!...I still wonder what I could plan for that day but...even If I work! We'll have to see eachother at all cost! Already one full year... I still remember the first day we made our couple official on the 17th of August last year... Sigh... Time's going fast, that's for sure! Anyway...I'll go to bed soon...I'm worn-out from the job(5pm to 11pm today)... Bass: Hey! I want to talk too! Cy: Never on THIS blog buddy! Nothing coming from you in public! Bass: Awww... Cy: Anyway, see ya now and good night!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The usual late update^^.

Yup, 2 months since I didn't updated...I know, I don't do it often, sorry^^. Anyway, recently it's been my 7th month with Yugel and all is still going along well. Next weekend it's gonna be her birthday...I already have the thing in mind but I must find some time in the week to spend on it! It's not gonna be much but I'm sure she'll appreciate it^^. All's going well in school too...nothing much to add on that... And yeah, i'm still jobless... And Signas and Wily are always remembering it to me...I KNOW DAMMIT....I know that I don't send a lot of cvs but damn...I have school works to do to ya know?! And in my book, school come before finding a job...Anyway, i'm gonna send 2 or 3 CVs this week and maybe check the job bank at school like Alia suggested...She really misses me sometime...To be honest, she misses to both Yugel and me...Anyway, enough with the depressive stuff! Since Sunday,I listen about 20 times to a remix I downloaded(From the game Sonic & Knuckle)...I'm not even tired of hearing it!! prooves that it's a great one^^. And sometime in the week, Kingdom Hearts II is coiming out...I can't wait for the shop to call me for the copy I pre-ordered!!...Even If I promised Protoman not to start it until he'll be there...And I'm going to see him Thursday night so...I'll just have to wait 1 or 2 days before playing it...I can last until then^^. Well, that should do it for now! See ya next time!

~It's nice to have a stressless week!~

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I day...I'm gonna blast them!

Yeah...been a while since I didn't feel angry and a little down... Oh, it was really a nice day and all; I started my winter semester today, everything's seems to be going well on that side. It was good to see the group again this morning. Anyways... it's not where it's going wrong... It was on the supper...probably one of the worst one(No, I'm not talking about the food there).I talked about how I would need my school books and a moveable-hard drive and Signas lamented again that I still didn't found any job and was comparing me to other people, and he continued by lamenting on how he didn't understood that I could spend a whole day in my room without going out much and how yugel and me spend the whole day there...and like always, Wily added that Yugel will surely be tired of only being in my room and that it would not last....ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Okay! I'm pissed off! First, Signas, YES,I know that my car will not last forever in this state, I know that I need to find a job soon, that's what i'm going to do tomorrow since I have only one course! And I'll continue to search! But damn! Stop going out on me! Second, I'm sure you'll not undertand but I'm really feeling better when I'm in my room! I like to be alone there!!!... That's where we're really different! I like being calm and in peace dammit! And as for Wily....Just plain SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! I think I'm the best placed to know if Yugel is alright or not! Yeah, I often asked her if she was happy even if we didn't go out much these days... Always receiving the same answer each time:"Did you heard me complain!?"(Btw Yugel, tell me if you really wanna go out somewhere). So Wily, mind your own business and stay out of my relationship!!!!....Phew! It really helps to let that all comes out... It was bugging me for quite a while!(X: Wow...Cy...I know it helped you to go all out like this, but don't do that too often...It's scary! Cy: Yeah...sorry buddy^^!) Anyways...I'm feeling a little better now^^, I was planning to call Alia tonight....But I couldn't find the other phone...oh well, it's probably better that way, I don't want to worry her! Well, now I'm feeling better...But I still want to get my buster and toast Signas and blast Wily away... I'll stop there for now.
Have a good evening!
Love ya Yugel, my lil'angel!
CymicX/X, xxxxxx
~Going berserk can help once in a while....~

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A long due update...where 5 is the lucky number!

Hi all! Sorry for taking a month before updating again...anyway, let's get to the point. I spent very nice holiday times(compared to last year...err...anyway) in the company of my dear Yugel. I'm really happy she liked her gift, and surprised that both gifts theme was the same...freaky! Err...anyway! The only moment I didin't liked much during holidays was to be at my home with my whole Signas's side of the family...30 people is really too much! New year's eve was nicer though, I spent the day at Yugel's house. I was really happy to go through the new year with her^^. But the best days of all was, with no doubts, the week-end we spent at Alia's house in Quebec! Yugel and me are really having more affinity with her than with Signas. We spent the week-end visiting, shopping, cooking, watching movies and so on. I really can't wait to spend more time there with Yugel this summer^^. On the road back to my home, we wrote a fic involving the caracters of my fics and a guest character( who's also annoying btw). Two days later, Yugel finally passed the test to get her hunter S-rank(or getting her high-school diploma). What a relief to lear, the day after, that she succeeded^^, I'm really proud of you my lil'angel! As for the last weed-end, it may sound weird but I was having a strnge kind of virus...(No way I'm explaining). But I'm okay now. I'm going back to school next week, oh yeah, forgot to say that I successfully finished all of my first semester courses. Now time for the second round!! And one of the most important thing today, it's our 5 months celebration today for Yugel and me! And still aiming for "until the end"^^. I'm so happy!!!!! Anyways, I got to go now, see ya all next time!

Love ya like crazy my lil'angel!
CymicX/X, xxxxxxxxx
~Five months of pure happiness with you^^~