Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Case 3

You know the drill:

Case 1-3
Defendant: Mr. Will Powers
Charge: Murder
Victim: Mr. Jack Hammer
Defense: Mr. Phoenix Wright, Maya fey(Aid)
Prosecution: Mr. Miles Edgeworth
Witnesses: Ms. Wendy Oldbag, Mr. Sal Manella, Mr. Cody Hackins, Ms. Dee Vasquez

Yeah I know I'm a day late but with my school work and all, I can't really do a big case in one day. So I'm just going to go by a personnal schedule.

Anyway! This one is big, and by big I mean that it will take three days!(In-Game time of course) This time the crime scene is Global Studio, known for airing the popular kids show "The Steel Samurai". The victim, Jack Hammer, died after being stabbed in the chest once with the Samurai Spear used in the show.

I don't feel like making a whole recap so I'll just go with the most memorable moments.... Wel THE most important point for the storyline lies in the fact that Edgeworth ends up helping Phoenix corner Dee Vasquez(The producer) and made her admit she really did killed Jack Hammer, in self-defense though. Yup, the prosecution helping the defense, but already know how insane the whole thing is if you read my previous review so it shouldn't be THAT surprising. But aside from that, this case is the weakest of the game in term of entertainement, but were talking about an AWESOME game so it's not really agaisnt it, it is still a nice case with some interesting and funny moments!

Next review will be up Thursday max! Since I did case 1-5 recently, It gives me 2 more days for 1-4. See ya all next review!

1 comment:

Patchouli Knowledge said...

You're late in update, Diego! hurry up! XD and gyakuten go out in two days!btw, have a look on my blog!