Sunday, September 18, 2005

And a perfect week-end to go with that!

Yes, I spent one of the nicest week-end I had in ages^^. Because I now have my driving liscence and a car, I've been able to see Yugel(Zero) Saturday and Sunday!! I couldn't be more happy, just being with her is enough to make me the happiest guy in the world^^. I even spent a whole hour at the park, signing my happieness! Anyway, now it's back to normal life till next week-end. I chatted with Yugel tonight...let's just say that we're crazy, no need for explanation. And then we got into the whole appearence thing... I'm thinking it and saying it Yugel, you are BEAUTIFUL! Stop thinking wrong of you please!... Well, at least try not to think it! Anyway... I'll go now.

Love you Yugel, like crazy as always^^.
Have a good night!
X, xxxxxx

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